Planning For The Summer Months

Planning For The Summer Months

The weather has started to get warmer, the days longer – summer is on its way! And while we’re sure most of us are looking forward to enjoying some sun rays and making the most of getting outdoors, there are a few things you should do to prepare for summer before the...
Preservation is Key

Preservation is Key

WILD weather has swept Sydney – and in particular the Central Coast this January. It’s been a soggy start to the year with many properties affected by the severe storms. Due to El Niño, Australia has seen an increase in extreme winds and higher rainfall already. It...
Tis the season of.. bushfires!

Tis the season of.. bushfires!

BUSHFIRES are a part of Australia – the never-ending cycle of growth, death, rebirth and regeneration. For eons the Aussie bush has lived this natural cycle. Due to urban growth in modern times, bushfires have resulted in the devastating effects of human loss and...

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